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"a few rings expressed"
Apr 13, 2001, 10:50 p.m.

Time for a real entry.

In the last two entries I created diaryrings - which I am able to do as a Diaryland Gold Member. So I created the Collaborati ring and the Pixel Pushers ring. I feel like I don't want to stop creating them. How funny it is when my obsessive/compulsive nature rears its head and begins to consume me.

I'm creating a new layout for tsGurl's diary. She wants something custom made and I always find it fun to create something new. She like swirls as I do and she wanted a diary that looked like mine, but I want to make one that's uniquely hers so I am. I should be through this weekend.

Other than that, I've been working about 60 hours a week at the office lately. I come home exhausted but it's worth it for all the work I can get done. I don't get paid overtime because I'm a manager. At least it's only temporary until this campaign we are working on is over.

I have to keep busy and I work well by myself. As a child I would sit on the floor and play for hours with my dolls and toys or color and draw pictures or read without saying a word to anyone. Other people always complimented my mom on how well behaved I was - children should be seen and not heard - as they say. Well I never did agree with that notion and as a child I always was offended by it. Me, the silent one was offended by it.

Perhaps that's why I had difficulty later on articulating my thoughts verbally. People do not understand me as well when I speak. When I write, however, I've always felt like I am able to express myself more clearly. Even if it's just to "get-it-out". Still waters - you know - run deep.

I tend to communicate in cliches'. Sometimes I think my life is just a cliche'. No original thoughts here. I know that's not true. But sometimes it is and sometimes that's all I can count on to express myself. You know...A bird in the hand...and all that jazz.

Well anyway - stick a fork in me..I'm done.

Ciao bellas!


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