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"On Weather, Buffets and Snoring"
November 14, 2010, 11:26 a.m.

�� � �Some days I miss the snow! �On J. R. Turner's blog, she shared with that its snowing in Wisconsin today. �But here in the Phoenix area, it's a cool�56�F�and climbing. It promises to be a beautiful day in the low 70's and I'll be meeting up with a few BookCrossing friends this afternoon at a local coffee house to talk about the books we've been reading this month.

�� � Turner also mentioned that she doesn't like dining at buffets and walking through a crowd of people with her plate of food. �I agree! �I prefer a sit down restaurant where I can order my meal from a menu that I hold in my hands. I'm not so fond of buffets, cafeterias, or delicatessens. It doesn't mean that I don't eat at those places, heck, I'm going to a cafe today where they only have counter service, and I know I will enjoy it. �I just would rather be served than stand in line and walk around with my food. It's so much more comfortable.

Confession time. �I snore. Loudly. I snore so loud that I have been recorded doing so and awakened to the pure joy of having the recording played back for me so that I get to hear the delightful sounds of my own snoring. At first I didn't believe it, but I have since come to accept it as a particular quirk of mine. Especially since I was presented with irrefutable evidence by�people who love me. :) �


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