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"funny how the day turns"
November 15, 2010, 3:48 p.m.

Yesterday, I spent a lovely afternoon with good friends on the patio of a local coffee house drinking tea, noshing on delicious homemade chocolate cookies and chatting about books.  Each person at the table brought more than just the books they've been reading, they each shared something interesting about themselves which flavored the conversation like different herbs flavor a stew, making for a rich and enjoyable experience.  The weather was pleasant in the low 70's, the warmth of the sun and the water sounds of the fountain near us, coupled with the tiny chirping of flittering birds seemed to add to the sweetness of the day.  
After about 4:30 pm, the sun dipped behind a nearby building and we were bathed in shadow. The temperature dropped and I started getting a chill.  Still, I could deal with it.  I wasn't willing to break up our semblance of camaraderie for lack of a sweater or jacket.  I was enjoying the conversation too much.  Soon enough however, the time came for the seven of us to depart and head back to our own lives.  We said farewell and each went our own way.  I appreciated and was grateful for our time together.
Later, in my car, as day was ending, I remembered that I had a few groceries to pick up on my way home.  Not a lot.  Just a few things.  Toilet paper.  Bread.  Vegetables.  Chicken.   Since my favorite market recently closed in my area, I had to drive over to a nearby grocery store to pick up my items.  It was one of those large stores with aisles and aisles to peruse.  Facing the crowds of shoppers jostling their shopping carts with screeching children in tow, I tried to get through it as fast as I could.  I found the vegetables, picked up some potatoes, found the bread and patiently waited for other shoppers to get their loaves and leave, so I could get mine.  I headed over to the poultry section while the screams of an unruly child assaulted my ears along with the low-toned threats of a frustrated parent promising severe consequences when they get home.  The child�s screams were so shrill I could hardly hear the voice over the loud speaker repeatedly asking for a �bagger on 12�.  I grabbed the chicken and quickly headed to the checkout lanes which were full of people with bulging baskets. Nope. Not for me. So, I headed to the self-serve lanes where half a dozen people stood patiently waiting in line for an open register.  I waited and finally got checked out.  Later in the car, I was glad to be headed home.  Whew.  
On my way home, I realized that I had forgotten the one thing that we truly needed.  Toilet paper.  We had none at home.   I couldn�t believe I had forgotten it!  It�s not like we could do very well without it.  My Mom wouldn�t be able to deal with the fact that we had no toilet paper.  I had to go back and get some.
So then I thought, this time I would go to Walgreens.  It was further down the street from the grocery store but not by that much. And Walgreens is a smaller store, I wouldn�t have to traipse to the farthest aisle in the grocery store just for a few rolls of toilet paper.  So I headed to Walgreens.  Inside the store, it was quiet.  It was nice.  I grabbed the toilet paper and got checked out in no time.  But then things turned.
As I was getting in my car, I was distracted by another car trying to park in the spot next to mine.  I tried to be quick about getting in the car and out of their way, but I didn�t duck far enough to sit in my seat and smartly cracked my head on the door frame of the car.  Ouch!  Pain!  Dang!  I sat in my car holding my head and groaning like Peter Griffin when he hurt his knee.  I�d cracked my head on the car before, but this time my head was throbbing.  After a bit, I composed myself and started the car.  
Pulling up into my driveway I felt thankful and relieved to finally be home.  I got out of car and started lugging the groceries to the house when the bottom of one of the bags tore open!  The potatoes started rolling in the driveway and I tried to grab everything tighter so it wouldn�t fall out too.  I was able to get a handle on everything except one lowly potato that had rolled underneath the car.  It was dark, I tried to see it.  I couldn�t find it.  So then I thought okay, let me put these groceries in the house, and I will come back out here and find that potato.  I got inside the house, placed the groceries on table and went back outside.  As I was closing the door, a silly little thing happened, I smashed my index finger in the door as I was closing it.  Ahh! Owww! Pain! Throb!  This time I couldn�t hold back the tears that sprang.  I went and sat in my car, groaning like Lois Griffin and rocking and alternately holding my finger tight and then shaking my hand back and forth to disperse the pain.  It didn�t work, but after a while I figured it was time to find that potato. 

At this point I was angry!  Angry at myself for what I�ve done, angry that my head hurt and finger hurt, angry that such a lovely day turned into this! So I started the car, backed it up, got out, picked up the potato, and then parked the car again.  When I went inside the house, I slammed the door shut behind me.

This morning when I woke up, my headache was gone, but I have a lovely little black and blue bruise line across my fingernail, a sweet little souvenir from yesterday that I can feel every time I press a key on my keyboard, jogging my memory of last night, as I write this.
Ah well.  Today is a new day. 

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