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"Creating Our Christmas"
December 06, 2010, 3:13 a.m.

It occurred to me today that my life will be changing soon. �My circumstances will either change for the better, or not - and better, it better be. �This year has brought about a culmination of challenges, some of which have tested me in ways I least expected. �I know that things will not remain the same. �One thing will happen, or another. �I will either forge a path that will lead to a powerfully directed future, or I will allow the tides and currents to chart the course of my life.

Knowing this, I realize that this Christmas will be the last Christmas Holiday that I will experience within my current set of circumstances. � A year from now, my life will be different. �Things will have changed. Therefore, I feel the need to make the most of this holiday and make it special for my Mother and me, even within our very limited means. �I can create a meager holiday, or I can create a lovely holiday. �I choose lovely.�

We have decorations, I can decorate. �We have flour and sugar, I can bake. �We have music, I can sing. �We have time to give. �I have hands that can help others. �I have a heart, I can love. �Yes! �We shall have an abundant holiday. �This Christmas shall be full of laughter, full of joy, full of possibilities, because that is what I shall create, regardless of our circumstances.

Merry Christmas!


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