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"As Cherub Fly / Shadows of Innocence"
August 3, 2001, 11:32 p.m.

This is a Poetica Collab project for August, 2001

As Cherub Fly

'Twas once the boy
gave up his toy
- forgotten joy
turned 'round to soar.

Became the man
but oft he ran
and left his plan
in harried roar.

His soul did cry
as cherub fly
to reach the sky
yet staying near.

Whence those who'd stare
claimed he'd not care
nor want to share,
so it seemed clear.

It was his looks
all set in hooks
like many rooks
in outward spray.

Yet sullen tears
hide not his fears
as no one hears
his words this way.

Copyright � 2001, C.Weber

Shadows of Innocence

Look how this man was once a boy
It can be seen upon his face
Shadows of innocence not yet faded
Nor sweetness yet displaced.

He leaves behind his own childhood
he searches inward for meaning
and he fears he will not fit, nor find it. Yet,
he knows it is not enough to be
just the same as everyone else.

He knows he is more than just the crowd,
more than just the sheep
who blindly follow tradition.
So onward he follows a different beat.

But this is not a new beat.
It is the same beat that the non-complacent
and self-awakened have followed before
in the face of hardness and confusion
tossed against all the coarse edges of life.

The wicked tattoo he had illustrated onto his head
states his position and is exposed
by the spikes of a mohawk
reaching like upraised fists against the sky.

Alas, the temporal mohawk
in future growing out like silken reeds
covering the inked skin and the spent
expression there...his expression
of the enigma that he is - himself,
the alternate trend of non-conformity.

For this little while, he is powerfully expressed.
Yet the strength of it belies and cannot erase
the handsome shadows of innocence
not yet faded from his face.

Copyright � 2001, C.Weber

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