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"got milk?"
2nd of October, 2000, 11:26 pm

Sheesh - aren't computer problems a real pain? I love the computer but gosh, when things go bad, they go bad very badly - Or how does that old nursery rhyme go?

There once was a girl

Who had a little curl

Right in the middle of her forehead

And when she was good

She was very, very good

And when she was bad

She was horrid!

That's how my computer is. When it is good it is very, very good and when it is bad it is horrid.

So I'm suffering with a problem which is possibly the hard drive and I may need to get a new one. I have a friend, a PC desktop support friend who came over and tried to help and really did a lot to make things better...however, I'm concerned but still very grateful I could even get on it at all.

So my hard drive is fizzling (is that spelled right?) and I must need a new one. All I know is that $ I'm $ not $ really $ sure $ I $ can $ deal $ with $ this $ right $ now. $$$ - I mean after all, I hate shelling out good money for my bit of cyber preoccupation. Ah but, there's the rub...I get what I pay for and I do enjoy my computer time quite much. I suppose I must now be creative and come up with the means to support this habit of mine.

But $$$ dollars $$$ are not the only thing holding me back. I have so many fingers in the proverbial pots, it's pathetic. I am not one who has been known to be, shall I say, perseverant. I start plenty of on-line projects and hardly follow through to completion as many as I would like. I feel a pull in many directions at once. And now I feel a financial pull as well. Yikes. I should simply make my life simpler and check into some sort of geek rehab for computer junkies and internet addicts. Whatever. Gotta say, I'm really not all that bad off...but sheesh, it sure feels like it at times. God - I could not get into my computer on Sunday because Saturday it went down and never came back up again until today. When it was down, I was jonesin' for it bad. Now I'm at a loss as to what to do now that I am back on-line. Do I do this? - Do I do that? Or should I just write a bit in my Diaryland diary.

It's so funny that Diaryland decided to name itself Diaryland. Everytime I see the name, I want to say Dairyland. Dairy - not Diary. Shoot - I was born in Wisconsin - the Dairy State of the United States. You'd think I know the difference between dairy and diary. hehehe - You oughta see what I write in my dairy.

I dunno - maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm the only one who thought that Diaryland was about milk and cheese.

Okely Dokely - gotta go - enough of this for me.


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